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19 results found for “Digital Stress”


3 articles found for "Digital Stress"

Very useful and very dangerous

Protect your mind as we explore why tech can be very useful and very dangerous.

6 Min

Why nature is needed for 21st century brains

If modern living has left you feeling exhausted or on edge, there's no better natural remedy than nature itself.

5 Min

Check yourself before you tech yourself

Digital tech is having a profound impact on our habits, rewiring our brains, building addiction and disconnecting us from the natural world. While we become increasingly dependent on our smartphones, we are reaching out for direct human-to-human contact less and less.

5 Min


2 events found for “Digital Stress”

Your brain on tech: preventing digital overload

Gain practical tips and advice to help you keep tech in check

Join our expert panel as we explore how technology is rewiring our brains.

How to reduce digital stress

Reduce digital stress

Find your way to a better future. Discover how to look after your mind whilst keeping tech in check and doing digital on your terms.


2 books found for “Digital Stress”

Dr Kristy Goodwin

Dear digital, we need to talk

Award-winning digital wellbeing and productivity expert Dr Kristy Goodwin provides brain-based strategies to help you thrive in the digital world without abstaining from social media or Netflix binges.

Dr Carl D. Marci

Rewired: protecting your brain in the digital age

Living in an age of digital distraction has wreaked havoc on our brains―but there’s much we can do to restore our tech–life balance.


1 videos found for “Digital Stress”


Single tasking is the new multi-tasking

James Hamlin

Ever find yourself doing far too many things at once and getting nowhere? In this hilarious short video, James Hamlin MD explains why single-tasking is the new multi-tasking.


6 quotes found for “Digital Stress”

The most powerful tech companies in the world are not neutral platforms. They are shaping our thoughts, behaviours and relationships.

- Tristan Harris

The human spirit must prevail over technology.

- Albert Einstein

Computers are useless. They can only give you answers.

- Pablo Picasso

Before you marry a person, you should first make them use a computer with slow Internet service to see who they really are.

- Will Ferrell

Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master.

- Christian Lous Lange

Digital wellbeing is about balance, boundaries, and being present in the moment.

- Dr Kristy Goodwin


5 research found for “Digital Stress”

How Technology Will Impact Workplace Mental Health

This paper provides a review and agenda for examining how technology-driven changes at work will impact workplace mental health and employee well-being.

Digital technology use & mental health consultations

Survey of the views and experiences of clinicians and young people.

The impact of the digital revolution on human brain and behavior: where do we stand?

Despite several positive aspects of digital media, which include the capability to effortlessly communicate with peers, even over a long distance, and their being used as training tools for students and the elderly, detrimental effects

Brain health consequences of digital technology use

Emerging scientific evidence indicates that frequent digital technology use has a significant impact-both negative and positive-on brain function and behaviour.

Screen time and the brain

Digital devices can interfere with everything from sleep to creativity