Search Results

12 results found for “10 - When the going gets tough”


12 videos found for “10 - When the going gets tough”


This Too Shall Pass

This incredible video from OK GO is irresistibly joyful and essential viewing if you are feeling down.


Changing an unhealthy working environment

Negative talk about others within any organisation can greatly impact mental health. Swedish psychotherapist and workplace mental health consultant Glenn D. Rolfsen outlines a unique approach to help stamp out ‘backbiting’.


Workplace Mental Health – all you need to know (for now)

In this relatable TED talk, Tom Oxley explores how work impacts our mental health and the powerful ways in which leaders and managers can support better mental health.


What is Financial Counselling?

Facing financial difficulty? You don’t have to deal with it on your own. Discover what financial counselling is and the many practical ways it can help.


Financial Abuse Support

Three women with lived experience of financial abuse discuss their personal experiences. They explain what happened in their situations before and during the abuse occurred. Participants in this video are speaking about the effects of financial abuse. If this video causes distress, you can contact 1800RESPECT on 1800 737 732 or via the web chat to speak to a counsellor, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.


Introduction: When the Going gets Tough

A brief introduction to ‘When the Going gets Tough’, the final session of the Mindarma program by Senior Psychologist Dr Sadhbh Joyce.


10 minute mindful stretching for lower back (captioned)


Senior psychologist and yoga teacher Casey O’Brien guides us through a 10 minute sequence aimed at releasing tension and tightness in the lower back.


10 minute mindful stretching for lower back

Senior psychologist and yoga teacher Casey O’Brien guides us through a 10 minute sequence aimed at releasing tension and tightness in the lower back.


10 minute mindful stretching for neck & shoulders (captioned)


Senior psychologist and yoga teacher Casey O’Brien guides us through a 10 minute sequence aimed at releasing tension and tightness from the neck and shoulders. These stretches can been particular helpful for those working from desks as well those who are engaged in daily work caring for others.


10 minute mindful stretching for neck & shoulders

Senior psychologist and yoga teacher Casey O’Brien guides us through a 10 minute sequence aimed at releasing tension and tightness from the neck and shoulders. These stretches can been particular helpful for those working from desks as well those who are engaged in daily work caring for others.


Is the world getting better or worse? A look at the numbers

Steven Pinker

An optimistic outlook can help bolster resilience. In this life-affirming talk, psychologist Steven Pinker gives us many good reasons to look on the bright side.


An experiment in gratitude

Watch this short, entertaining video to find out just what happens when people start practising gratitude. It’s gauranteed to make you smile and give you a warm, gooey feeling all over!