How do you create harmony in an imperfect workplace? Discover 7 strategies that don't involve self-isolating in a cupboard.
Need to give your brain a break? Getting back to nature is a simply wonderful way to restore your mind.
Every one of us is capable of remarkable wisdom and care. Ready to reach in?
This practise enables you to centre your mind and body, reconnecting to a sense of grounded, balanced awareness. During the practise you are guided to anchor into the nourishing and soothing qualities of the breath.
This short, simple mindfulness workout will enable you to centre your mind and body and connect with the present moment.
Mindful breathing is a simple method for re-connecting with the present moment. This practise only takes a few minutes and can be used at any time, particularly if you are feeling stressed or overwhelmed.
Discover the latest about the physiological benefits of mindfulness. Be guided on simple techniques that can immediately calm and nourish your nervous system.
Enjoy a daily dose of mindfulness with five guided 15-minute sessions
Discover the latest bright ideas to support your body clock, enhance sleep and naturally nurture your mind.
Dean Bayliss, a proud Gomeroi man and CEO of Healing Works Australia, talks about suicide prevention among First Nation’s People.
We speak with former police officer James Maskey, who works at Fortem Australia, a not-for-profit wellbeing support organisation for first responders and their families.
We speak with Dr Peter Baldwin about the impact of burnout and what can be done by organisations to prevent it.
Guilt is like any other energy: you can’t accumulate it or keep it because it makes you sick and disrupts the system you live in – you have to let it go. Face the truth,
- Tyson Yunkaporta, Sand Talk: How Indigenous Thinking Can Save the WorldEmotions are now categorised, celebrated, vilified, repressed, manipulated, humiliated, adored and ignored. Rarely, if ever, are they simply honoured.
- Karla McLarenI feel the 21st century is another new age. Not only can we collaborate again with nature, we have to. It is an emergency.
- BjorkWhen you plant a tree, if it doesn’t grow well, you don’t blame the tree. You look into the reasons it isn’t doing well. It may need fertilizer or more water or less sun. We
- Thich Nhat HanhWriting is not an escape. It’s a way I connect to myself, to get to know myself better.
- Guadalupe NettelIt’s amazing what you accomplish, if you do not care who gets the credit.
- Harry S TrumanIf you don’t learn about each other, you do not understand each other, and you don’t hide warts and all, both sides, then you’re forever going to repeat history.
- Warren MundineIf you can concentrate always on the present, you’ll be a happy man. Life is the moment we are living now.
- Paulo Coelho, The AlchemistThe secret of change is to spend all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new.
- SocratesThis very moment is the perfect teacher, and, lucky for us, it’s with us wherever we are.
- Pema ChödrönWhile many silently suffer inside a suit of shining armour, the truly courageous take off their armour and allow themselves to be vulnerable.
- MindarmaThis earth, I never damage. I look after. Fire is nothing, just clean up. When you burn, new grass coming up. That means good animal soon, Might be goanna, possum, wallaby. Burn him off, new
- Bill NeidjieBefore we can bounce back, we may first need someone to pick us up off the floor and put us back on the trampoline.
- MindarmaWhatever happens in your life, joyful or painful, do not be swept away by reactivity. Be patient with yourself, don’t lose your sense of perspective.
- Pema ChödrönIf you aren’t in the moment, you are either looking forward to uncertainty, or back to pain and regret.
- Jim CarreyYou can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation.
- PlatoYorta Yorta man Tom Forrest aka Outback Tom yarns with First Nations folks about how allies can actively participate in reconciliation and be there for mob.
This is the story of Linda Burney, a woman who has overcome extraordinary adversity to become a great leader in the Australian community, described by the author as ‘the most remarkable woman I’ve ever met’.
With over 50 daily practices you can use anytime, anywhere, Just One Thing is a groundbreaking combination of mindfulness meditation & neuroscience that can help you deepen your sense of well-being & unconditional happiness.
This is the story of Linda Burney, a woman who has overcome extraordinary adversity to become a great leader in the Australian community, described by the author as ‘the most remarkable woman I’ve ever met’.
Science journalist Catherine Price proposes a new definition of fun and shares easy, evidence-backed ways to weave playfulness, flow and connection into your everyday life.
Yorta Yorta man Tom Forrest aka Outback Tom yarns with First Nations folks about how allies can actively participate in reconciliation and be there for mob.
If you are looking to take action and create a mentally healthier workplace, this report provides an excellent starting point. Discover six key areas and strategies which are important in protecting and supporting mental health.
This systematic review and meta-analysis answers the question “is meditation associated with altered brain structure?”
Ready to build your brain? Discover how mindfulness practice increases regional brain grey matter density.
Take a mindful pause as you drink your tea slowly and reverently.
Write a list of 5 things you are grateful for, and then add some colour.