Search Results

29 results found for “Mindfulness”


4 articles found for "Mindfulness"

Intracranial bird watching

All sorts of thoughts flying around your head? Discover intracranial bird watching – a mindful game you can play anywhere!

3 Min

Mindfulness schmindfulness

A super-sceptic's look at the wellness industry's biggest trend.

6 Min

Accidental mindfulness & inadvertent forest bathing

Your Wi-Fi may be working fine, but have you lost that other important connection? Discover how regularly connecting with nature can bring about powerful psychological and physical benefits, even if you're not great at meditating.

6 Min

A simple introduction to mindfulness

Still trying to get your head around mindfulness? In this article you’ll find out the basics and discover five big benefits.

4 Min


3 mindfulness found for “Mindfulness”


A nourishing breath

This short mindfulness practise helps you to reconnect with the nourishing and supportive quality of your breath.


A mindful break

This simple mindfulness of words exercise will help you to ground your mind and body in the present moment.


Basic grounding

This short, simple mindfulness workout will enable you to centre your mind and body and connect with the present moment.


7 events found for “Mindfulness”

Mindfulness – the neuroscience and benefits

The neuroscience and benefits

Discover the remarkable changes that occur in your brain when you take time out for mindfulness. Learn about the researched benefits and experience them for yourself with short, guided practises.

5-Day Mindfulness Challenge

Develop a daily mindfulness practise

Take a break from busyness, with a daily dose of mindfulness. Challenge your workmates to join you for five brief, guided sessions.

Mindfulness mini-series

Mindfulness mini-series

Cultivating calm

Cultivating calm

Mindfulness on the frontline

Expert panel discussion

From emergency services to healthcare, education and defence, mindfulness is helping frontline workers to take on the toughest gigs. Discover practical strategies to protect and support those who serve.

Mindful March

The neuroscience and practise of mindfulness

with Dr Sadhbh Joyce, Senior Psychologist & Meditation Teacher

Gain expert insights into the neuroscience of mindfulness; how mindfulness reduces stress and supports wellbeing; myths about mindfulness; Formal vs Informal practise; and developing and honouring a regular practise


2 books found for “Mindfulness”

Thich Nhat Hanh

The Miracle of Mindfulness

In this beautifully written book, Buddhist monk and Nobel Peace Prize nominee Thich Nhat Hanh explains how to acquire the skills of mindfulness. Once we have these skills, we can slow our lives down and

Jon Kabat-Zinn

Wherever you go, there you are

A bestseller that continues to change lives, mapping out both the rationale & a simple path for cultivating mindfulness one’s own way in one’s own life.


3 videos found for “Mindfulness”


How to take a mindful pause

Dr Sadhbh Joyce

Discover a range of simple tips to help you pause and relax . In this ten minute lesson you will experience a basic guided mindfulness exercise, which you can make use of whenever you need a break.


The science behind mindfulness as a tool for happiness

Dr Hedy Kober

In this World Economic Forum talk, Yale researcher Dr Hedy Kober explains the basics of mindfulness. Discover some of the many benefits for your brain & find out how mindfulness can help you through life’s messy bits.



Meditation and mindfully getting in the middle

Brad Heckman

With plenty of good humour, bad puns and hand-painted illustrations, New York Peace Institute CEO Brad Heckman explains how taking a mindful approach can prevent conflicts from turning ugly.


5 quotes found for “Mindfulness”

If you aren’t in the moment, you are either looking forward to uncertainty, or back to pain and regret.

- Jim Carrey

This very moment is the perfect teacher, and, lucky for us, it’s with us wherever we are.

- Pema Chödrön

May I be peaceful, may I be safe, may I know that I am enough just as I am.

- Mindarma metta meditation

A mind is like a parachute. It doesn’t work if it isn’t open.

- Frank Zappa

We don’t have to go anywhere to obtain the truth. We only need to be still and things will reveal themselves in the clear water of our heart.

- Thich Nhat Hanh


5 research found for “Mindfulness”

Resilience @ Work Mindfulness Program Randomised Controlled Trial

View results from the RCT of the original program which was developed into Mindarma.

The evidence for third wave therapies & mindfulness-based approaches to psychological treatment

This review examines recent trials and studies on the efficacy and effectiveness of ‘third wave psychotherapies’ and why they can now be considered as empirically supported.

Mindfulness is associated with fewer PTSD symptoms, depressive symptoms, physical symptoms & alcohol problems in urban firefighters

This study shows that mindfulness was associated with fewer PTSD symptoms, depressive symptoms, physical symptoms, and alcohol problems when controlling for the other study variables across 124 urban firefighters.

What are the benefits of mindfulness among high-risk groups such as first responders?

This study aimed to explore engagement and mindfulness as protective factors against the risk of developing vicarious trauma and psychosomatic symptoms among firefighters.

Mindfulness is good for you: the benefits of mindfulness on psychological health & wellbeing

This article reviews the empirical literature on the effects of mindfulness on psychological health.