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18 results found for “Nature”


2 articles found for "Nature"

Why nature is needed for 21st century brains

If modern living has left you feeling exhausted or on edge, there's no better natural remedy than nature itself.

5 Min

Accidental mindfulness & inadvertent forest bathing

Your Wi-Fi may be working fine, but have you lost that other important connection? Discover how regularly connecting with nature can bring about powerful psychological and physical benefits, even if you're not great at meditating.

6 Min


1 events found for “Nature”

Your Brain in Nature

Your Brain in Nature

Support your mental wellbeing in the most natural way possible. Join our expert panel as we explore the growing science and remarkable benefits of bringing your brain back to nature.


2 books found for “Nature”

Peter Wohlleben

The heartbeat of trees

In an era where many of us fear we’ve lost our connection to nature, Wohlleben is convinced that age-old ties linking humans to the forest remain alive and intact.

Dr. Katie Cooper

Plant therapy

We know that being near nature is good for our health, but why? Cooper showcases the theory behind the recent surge in the ‘self-care’ approach to living with plants, no matter what your environment.


2 videos found for “Nature”


Florence Williams: Finding the Fix

“We can microdose awe.” Award-winning author of The Nature Fix, Florence Williams, explains what science says about the human body’s deep responsiveness to natural environments.


Sir David Attenborough discusses nature and mental health

Sir David Attenborough talks about the links between mental health and nature, and how you can make the most of the natural world.


3 quotes found for “Nature”

I feel the 21st century is another new age. Not only can we collaborate again with nature, we have to. It is an emergency.

- Bjork

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.

- Lao Tzu

Our minds are shaped by the modern world but originate in nature, and we have suffered as a result of this disconnect.

- Bill Bailey


6 research found for “Nature”

What is green exercise and should I be doing it?

‘Green exercise’ is a phenomenon that researchers have been studying for some years. It turns out that exercising in the presence of nature can have health benefits beyond getting your blood pumping.

Nature and mental health: an ecosystem service perspective

With increasing urbanization & declines in human contact with nature globally, decisions must be made about how to preserve & enhance opportunities for nature experience.

Minimum time dose in nature to positively impact mental health

Students in the US exhibit high levels of mental health issues. An increasing body of evidence has demonstrated that spending time in nature can provide tangible benefits for mental health & well-being.

Effects of shinrin-yoku (forest bathing) & nature therapy on mental health

While most of the existing studies on shinrin-yoku have focused on physical health, this study is a systematic review and meta-analysis examining the mental health impacts.

How nature therapy helps your mental health

This article explains what nature therapy involves, how nature therapy can benefit your mental health, and how you can bring nature to you if you happen to be stuck inside.

What are green prescriptions and which countries offer them?

Doctors around the world are giving patients ‘green prescriptions’ to spend more time in nature – 5 hours a month is the minimum dose in Finland, but a walk in a park can help too.


2 activities found for “Nature”

Colouring in: nature hike

Think about how you feel when you take a walk in nature.

Colouring in: nature walk

Colour in and think about how you feel when you’re walking in nature.