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9 results found for “Nutrition”


9 research found for “Nutrition”


How fruit can fight depression

This study of 7801 middle and older aged adults provides evidence of why a trip to the greengrocer may be a very useful way to keep depression at bay.

The gut-brain axis: how it works and the role of nutrition

The gut-brain axis is a real phenomenon and this constant two-way communication, when out of sync, can trigger gut and other health-related issues.

Nutritional psychiatry: your brain on food

Your brain is always “on” – even while you’re asleep. It requires a constant supply of fuel, which comes from the foods you eat, & what’s in that fuel makes all the difference.

Gut feelings: how food affects your mood

Researchers agree that a person’s unique microbiome is created within the first 1,000 days of life, but there are things you can do to alter your gut environment throughout your life.

The role of nutrition and the gut-brain axis in psychiatry

This narrative review highlights the important role of nutrition in psychiatric care and underlines the significance of nutritional advice in the multifactorial, biopsychosocial treatment of patients.

The impact of nutrients on mental health & well-being

An increasing number of studies are revealing that diet & nutrition are critical not only for physiology & body composition, but also mood & mental well-being. Check out this review of the literature.

An apple a day? Nutritional literacy in 52 countries

Nutritional interventions have beneficial effects on certain psychiatric disorder symptomatology & common physical health comorbidities. However, studies evaluating nutritional literacy in mental health professionals are scarce. This study aimed to assess this across 52 countries.

Psychobiotics, gut microbiota and fermented foods can help preserve mental health

Research is bolstering the concept that gut bacteria are involved in the transmission of information between the gut and the brain, engaging neural, immune, and endocrine pathways.

Associations between cod liver oil use and symptoms of depression

Fish have long been described as brain food. This large Norwegian study might help explain why.