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Gain a little guidance to help navigate life as a 21st century human.

You are not a lobster

Feeling trapped? These helpful tips will leave you feeling less like the lobster in the tank at your local Chinese restaurant.

5 Min

Sleep: the amazing wonder-drug we are all too busy to take

Feeling tired? We hear you. Learn about the benefits of good quality shut-eye and the amazing things that happen while we're asleep....

5 Min

Check yourself before you tech yourself

Digital tech is having a profound impact on our habits, rewiring our brains, building addiction and disconnecting us from the natural world. While we become increasingly dependent on our smartphones, we are reaching out for direct human-to-human contact less and less.

5 Min

Basic mind maintenance

Our brains are essential equipment, yet we don't always take great care of them. With these basic mind maintenance tips, you can keep yours working a whole lot better!

6 Min

An alternative guide to having it all

Caught in the endless struggle to succeed? Kicking life goals, but still left feeling empty inside? In this article we break down 5 simple actions that can help you take the power back and reclaim a sense of real contentedness.

5 Min

5 super-simple strategies for when you are running on empty

Feeling fatigued? The best way to recover can be to get back to basics. Discover 5 super-simple strategies for when you are running on empty...

5 Min