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Gain a little guidance to help navigate life as a 21st century human.

Crying shame

Snakes, spiders and sharks we're okay with. But what about a small amount of salty liquid? Check out this short guide to doing the one thing every tough guy is terrified of.

5 Min

Are you taking joy seriously enough?

Many of us have become hooked into worry. It’s all over the media, it’s filling up our feeds and it’s constantly working its way around and around our heads. It’s seems we’re always worrying. What would we even do if we weren’t worrying? Well... we could be having fun.

5 Min

Steal back your life

Discover ten tips to grab hold of the good stuff! In this article you will find practical ways to apply mindfulness and focus your attention on what matters most.

5 Min

What to do when you have been doing all the right things

You're a good person. You've done all the right things. So where did all the bliss go? In this article, we provide 5 really useful pieces of advice for really good people like you.

6 Min

It’s all gone horribly pear-shaped

There are times in life where things will go horribly pear-shaped. Discover 5 terrible coping strategies and 6 that really work.

6 Min

The future is good

While it's easy to get distracted by doom and gloom, there are a number of powerful reasons why the future is good.

4 Min