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19 results found for “01 - Meet your mind coach”


3 articles found for "01 - Meet your mind coach"

Mindfulness schmindfulness

A super-sceptic's look at the wellness industry's biggest trend.

6 Min

Oops, you have turned into a bowling ball

Turning into a bowling ball is an alarmingly common condition. Fortunately we are here to help.

3 Min

A simple introduction to mindfulness

Still trying to get your head around mindfulness? In this article you’ll find out the basics and discover five big benefits.

4 Min


1 mindfulness found for “01 - Meet your mind coach”


A mindful pause

This short practise will help you to reset and recentre your focus to the present moment.


1 books found for “01 - Meet your mind coach”

Thich Nhat Hanh

The Miracle of Mindfulness

In this beautifully written book, Buddhist monk and Nobel Peace Prize nominee Thich Nhat Hanh explains how to acquire the skills of mindfulness. Once we have these skills, we can slow our lives down and


7 videos found for “01 - Meet your mind coach”


Introduction: Meet Your Mind Coach

A brief introduction to ‘Meet Your Mind Coach’, the first session of the Mindarma program by Senior Psychologist Dr Sadhbh Joyce.


A brief introduction to the default mode network

In this 2 minute video, you will discover what happens inside your brain when it’s not focused on completing all the tasks on that long to-do list.


How to take a mindful pause

Dr Sadhbh Joyce

Discover a range of simple tips to help you pause and relax . In this ten minute lesson you will experience a basic guided mindfulness exercise, which you can make use of whenever you need a break.


The science behind mindfulness as a tool for happiness

Dr Hedy Kober

In this World Economic Forum talk, Yale researcher Dr Hedy Kober explains the basics of mindfulness. Discover some of the many benefits for your brain & find out how mindfulness can help you through life’s messy bits.



Building resilience at NSW Ambulance

Dr Sadhbh Joyce

Discover how Mindarma (previously RAW Mind Coach) is supporting workers at NSW Ambulance. This video is from the 2018 Mental Health Matters Awards.


A very valuable lesson you may not have learned at school

AnnMarie Rossie

AnnMarie Rossi explains some of the researched benefits of mindfulness and why it should be an essential part of every education.


5 quotes found for “01 - Meet your mind coach”

You should sit in meditation for twenty minutes everyday – unless you’re too busy; then you should sit for an hour.

- Sukhraj S. Dhillon

By taking just a few extra seconds to stay with a positive experience – even the comfort in a single breath – you’ll help turn a passing mental state into lasting neural structure.

- Dr Rick Hanson

You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop.

- Rumi

Begin doing what you want to do now. We are not living in eternity. We only have this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand and melting like a snowflake.

- Francis Bacon Snr

Some believe the glass is half empty. Some people believe the glass is half full. Only a very small percentage appreciate the beauty of the glass and marvel at the privilege of having safe, clean drinking water.

- Mindarma


2 research found for “01 - Meet your mind coach”

The evidence for third wave therapies & mindfulness-based approaches to psychological treatment

This review examines recent trials and studies on the efficacy and effectiveness of ‘third wave psychotherapies’ and why they can now be considered as empirically supported.

Mindfulness is good for you: the benefits of mindfulness on psychological health & wellbeing

This article reviews the empirical literature on the effects of mindfulness on psychological health.