Expect respect

Identifying harmful behaviours and cultivating professional friendliness

Expect respect

Producer: Dr Sadhbh Joyce, Mindarma

Expert Speakers:

  • Dr Valerie O’Keeffe
    Senior Research Fellow, Human Factors, Australian Industrial Transformation Institute (AITI) (SA)

  • Dr Sara Howard
    Senior Research Fellow, Organisational Psychologist, MAPS (SA)


  • Dr Sadhbh Joyce Senior Psychologist, Co-Founder of Mindarma, Meditation Teacher, Nature-based Therapy Practitioner, External Fellow, Black Dog Institute/UNSW Medicine, MAPS(NSW)


Research and resources

O’Keeffe, Howard et al.,(2024). Harmful Behaviours in the Workplace: A Literature Review. Australian Industrial Transformation Institute, Flinders University of South Australia

SafeWork Australia: Model Code of Practise: Managing psychosocial hazards at work

Kjærgaard A, et al., (2024), The Psychosocial Hierarchy of Controls: Effectively Reducing Psychosocial Hazards at Work. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. https://doi.org/10.1002/ajim.23694

SafeWork Australia 2024 Data Insights. Snapshot: Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplacehttps://data.safeworkaustralia.gov.au/sites/default/files/2024-02/Psychological-health-in-the-workplace_Snapshot_February2024.pdf


Impact of incivility on vulnerable groups

Labelle-Deraspe, R., & Mathieu, C. (2024a). Exploring incivility experiences of marginalized employees: implications for psychological distress. Current Psychology,43(6), 5163-5178.

Labelle-Deraspe, R., & Mathieu, C. (2024b). Exploring the Impact of Incivility on Psychological Distress: The Unique Lived Experiences of Women Identifying as Indigenous and as part of the LGBTQ+ Community.Occupational Health Science, 1-27.


Professional guidance 

Guide for preventing and responding to Workplace Bullying (Safe Work Australia)

Respect at Work (Safe Work NSW) Preventing Sexual Harassment in the Workplace(advice, tools and training resources)

Fair Work Ombudsman


Confidential reporting of hazards

NSW:Speak up App (SafeWork NSW) (anonymous reporting of hazards)  https://speakup.safework.nsw.gov.au/

QLD: Call Workplace Health and Safety Queensland at 1300 362 128 and use the online notification form.

SA: Reporting hazards to SafeWork SA

WA:Reporting hazards to WorkSafe WA

VIC: Reporting hazards to Worksafe Victoria

NT: Reporting hazards to Work Safe NT

TAS: Reporting hazards to WorkSafe Tasmania


Preventative interventions 

Howard, M. S., & Embree, J. L. (2020). Educational intervention improves communication abilities of nurses encountering workplace incivility. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 51(3), 138-144. https://doi.org/10.3928/00220124-20200216-09


Mindfulness & workplace incivility

Mindfulness as a buffer against incivility in the workplace
Mind over matter: mindfulness as a buffer against workplace incivility (2024)

The Regulating Role of Mindfulness in Enacted Workplace Incivility: An Experience Sampling Study (2020)


Guidance and resources

Australian Work Health and Safety Strategy 2022 – 2032 (Safe Work Australia)

Key Work Health and Safety Statistics (2024)(Safe Work Australia)

Black Dog Institute’s free Workplace Mental Health Toolkit


Support is available 

Lifeline 24/7 crisis support. Provides all Australians access to crisis support and suicide prevention services.
Call 13 11 14

Beyond Blue call a counsellor on 1300 22 4636 or chat to a counsellor online 24/7

13 YARN For Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who are going through a tough time and feel like having a yarn.
Call 13 92 76





Questions? Contact us at [email protected]



The views expressed in this webinar are solely that of the panellists and do not necessarily reflect the views of Mindarma or the Black Dog Institute.