Search Results

49 results found for “Manager Essentials”


4 articles found for "Manager Essentials"

How to make any workplace less of a head wreck

How do you create harmony in an imperfect workplace? Discover 7 strategies that don't involve self-isolating in a cupboard.

5 Min

How not to be a horrible boss

Most managers receive precious little training on how to look after others. A few simple skills can make all the difference.

5 Min

The one crucial thing they didn’t teach at business school

Kindness is the glue that holds organisations together. Unfortunately it's often completely overlooked and undervalued.

5 Min

What is the cost of winning at all costs?

What happens when you jettison your values in the quest for success? Discover the frighteningly large cost of winning at all costs.

5 Min


4 events found for “Manager Essentials”

Managing Psychosocial Risk

Managing Psychosocial Risk

Panellists: Louise Howard, Business Consultant and Strategic Advisor, Louise Howard Advisory Brandon Taylor, Manager Mental Health and Wellbeing, Health, Safety and Wellbeing, TAFE Queensland   Moderator: Tasman Cassim, Head of Partnerships, Black Dog Institute  

Manager Essentials – how to cultivate a culture of care

How to cultivate a culture of care

Panellists: Professor Anya Johnson Professor, Head of Discipline in Work and Organisational Studies, and co-director of the Body, Heart and Mind in Business Research Group, University of Sydney Business School (NSW) Professor Helena Nguyen Professor

Menopause at work

Woman's Health Week

Expert Speaker: Thea O’Connor Director of Menopause at Work Asia Pacific, Workplace wellbeing advisor, TEDx speaker and coach (NSW)   Moderator: Dr Sadhbh Joyce Senior Psychologist, Co-Founder of Mindarma, Meditation Teacher, External Fellow, Black Dog

Expect respect

Expect respect

Expert Speakers: Dr Valerie O’Keeffe Senior Research Fellow, Human Factors, Australian Industrial Transformation Institute (AITI) (SA) Dr Sara Howard Senior Research Fellow, Organisational Psychologist, MAPS (SA) Moderator: Dr Sadhbh Joyce Senior Psychologist, Co-Founder of Mindarma,


1 podcasts found for “Manager Essentials”


S2 E3 Tony Walker (ASM): workplace mental health, walking the talk

Tony Walker ASM is the Chief Executive Officer at Ambulance Victoria. Tony is a Registered Paramedic with over thirty-five years’ experience working in a range of senior clinical, operational and leadership roles within the ambulance


15 videos found for “Manager Essentials”


Changing an unhealthy working environment

Negative talk about others within any organisation can greatly impact mental health. Swedish psychotherapist and workplace mental health consultant Glenn D. Rolfsen outlines a unique approach to help stamp out ‘backbiting’.


Mental health support for middle managers

UNSW Business School’s Frederik Anseel and his guest Lucinda Brogden AM, Chair and Commissioner, National Mental Health Commission, discuss how senior leaders can support middle managers better to improve the outcomes for all.


Workplace Mental Health – all you need to know (for now)

In this relatable TED talk, Tom Oxley explores how work impacts our mental health and the powerful ways in which leaders and managers can support better mental health.


WHS Regulations – Psychosocial hazards

Work health and safety laws prescribing how organisations manage risks to workers’ mental health are now in force across the Comcare jurisdiction. 14 common psychosocial hazards have been identified in the model code of practice.


Job Demands

This Comcare video explains how both high and low job demands create risks for individuals and organisations, and gives employers practical tips on minimising or eliminating those risks.


Good work design – Addressing work demands

Work that is too demanding – or not demanding enough – can cause chronic stress and burnout. This video outlines the ‘Addressing work demands’ topic as part of Good work design.


5 quotes found for “Manager Essentials”

I refuse to believe that you cannot be both compassionate and strong.

- Jacinta Ardern

It’s amazing what you accomplish, if you do not care who gets the credit.

- Harry S Truman

Politeness and civility are the best capital ever invested in business.

- P.T Barnum

Unexpected kindness is the most powerful, least costly and most underrated agent of human change.

- Bob Kerrey

Constant kindness can accomplish much. As the sun makes ice melt, kindness causes misunderstanding, mistrust, and hostility to evaporate.

- Albert Schweitzer


20 research found for “Manager Essentials”

Can resilience predict mental health symptomology?

This study examines whether resilience can be measured and used to predict mental health symptomology among first responders exposed to repeated trauma.

Resilience @ Work Mindfulness Program Randomised Controlled Trial

View results from the RCT of the original program which was developed into Mindarma.

How Technology Will Impact Workplace Mental Health

This paper provides a review and agenda for examining how technology-driven changes at work will impact workplace mental health and employee well-being.

ROI: Review of Interventions

Conducted for SafeWork NSW, this review of interventions examines what works in reducing mental ill health in the workplace.

The Psychosocial Safety Scale

Describes the development of the PSC-12 Scale for measuring psychosocial safety.

Psychosocial Safety Climate as a precursor

Examines Psychosocial Safety Climate as a precursor to conducive work environments, psychological health problems and employee engagement.