S1 E3 with YFoundations CEO Pam Barker

Learn about Pam’s own story of resilience and how she is using here experiences to support others.

Our next guest on the Mindarma podcast is Pam Barker, CEO of YFoundations, a not-for-profit organisation supporting young people in NSW at risk of, and experiencing, homelessness. Yfoundations is the peak body representing such youth in the state.

Pam brings enormous knowledge, wisdom and passion in advocating for the homeless. Indeed, Pam herself was in and out of homelessness in Queensland for five years — from the age of 14. This had a major impact on her education and wellbeing. She encountered significant stigma and prejudice.

But Pam refused to believe school teachers who said she’d amount to nothing. She’s built a career across the not-for-profit and community sector, working also with young people in the LGBTIQ community and other marginalised groups.

Pam is on various boards including Wayahead Mental Health Association NSW, a community-based organisation educating people and linking them to services and resources. Pam is also completing her undergraduate psychology degree part-time, specialising in youth. Pam Barker is definitely one of the most resilience people we’ve had the pleasure of meeting. She an extremely passionate advocate for mental health – we hope you enjoy her inspiring story of perseverance and resilience.