S1 E6 with Marian Spencer, Head of People and Culture at the Black Dog Institute

Join our conversation with Marian Spencer as we discuss how to make HR respond to the real needs of humans.

Our next guest on the Mindarma podcast is Marian Spencer, head of people and culture at the Black Dog Institute, a globally renowned medical organisation that researches every aspect of mental health. The Black Dog Institute translates that research into practical solutions for individuals, schools, organisations and governments.

Marian has worked for 20 years in general and human resource management in the not-for-profit sector in London and Sydney. She believes in prioritising the human element of HR.

With Marian heading people and culture, The Black Dog Institute has won Employee of Choice awards for the past three years. It also won the 2019 Alan Fels Mental Health Award, which noted that more than 50 percent of The Black Dog Institute’s 200 employees had disclosed a lived experience of mental illness.

We’re delighted that Marian is with us today to share her valuable insights in placing the wellbeing of human beings at the heart of HR.