The gut microbiome & mental health
This review suggests that the gut microbiome & its interactome deserve attention to understand brain disorders and develop treatments. Discover the implications for anxiety & trauma-related disorders.
More evidence that exercise can boost mood
Running for 15 minutes a day or walking for an hour reduces the risk of major depression, according to a recent study.
Mental health and the gut-brain axis
One of the latest areas of interest in mental health research is the role of the gut-brain axis (GBA). Now, what is this?
Mindfulness is associated with fewer PTSD symptoms, depressive symptoms, physical symptoms & alcohol problems in urban firefighters
This study shows that mindfulness was associated with fewer PTSD symptoms, depressive symptoms, physical symptoms, and alcohol problems when controlling for the other study variables across 124 urban firefighters.
Do exercise trials for adults with depression account for comorbid anxiety?
Research supports the use of exercise in the treatment of depression or anxiety, but comorbidity may complicate how people are impacted by treatment. Discover more with this systematic review.
The impact of nutrients on mental health & well-being
An increasing number of studies are revealing that diet & nutrition are critical not only for physiology & body composition, but also mood & mental well-being. Check out this review of the literature.