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Effects of shinrin-yoku (forest bathing) & nature therapy on mental health

While most of the existing studies on shinrin-yoku have focused on physical health, this study is a systematic review and meta-analysis examining the mental health impacts.

Burnout as an occupational phenomenon

The World Health Organisation has classified burnout as an occupational phenomenon within its International Classification of Diseases.

$11 billion lost because of burnout – here’s how to stamp it out

As the pandemic grinds on, burnout rates continue to rise across Australia. Burnout has serious consequences for businesses as well as overworked employees.

Optimizing mental health benefits of exercise

This article further investigates the positive mental health effets of exercising in natural settings by looking at the role of different exercise environments & compares indoor & outdoor exercise sessions on acute wellbeing & stress.

Associations between cod liver oil use and symptoms of depression

Fish have long been described as brain food. This large Norwegian study might help explain why.

Yoga for adult women with chronic PTSD: A long-term follow-up study

Yoga may serve as a useful adjunctive component of trauma-focused treatment to build skills in tolerating and modulating physiologic and affective states that have become dysregulated by trauma exposure.