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Watch and learn! Discover fresh insights with these thought-provoking videos.

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WHS Regulations – Psychosocial hazards

Work health and safety laws prescribing how organisations manage risks to workers’ mental health are now in force across the Comcare jurisdiction. 14 common psychosocial hazards have been identified in the model code of practice.


Job Demands

This Comcare video explains how both high and low job demands create risks for individuals and organisations, and gives employers practical tips on minimising or eliminating those risks.


Good work design – Addressing work demands

Work that is too demanding – or not demanding enough – can cause chronic stress and burnout. This video outlines the ‘Addressing work demands’ topic as part of Good work design.


Good work design – Knowing your team

Knowing your team is the key to being a great manager. This video covers the ‘Knowing your team’ topic as part of the ‘Good work design’ series.


Good work design – Building trust in your team

The more your team trusts you – and the more you trust them – the more success you will have together. This video outlines the ‘Building trust’ topic as part of the ‘Good work design’ series.


Good work design – Supporting your team

People who feel supported by their workplace are likely to cope better with challenges in their personal and professional lives. Support helps people to maintain wellbeing and continue to perform at work. This video outlines the ‘Supporting your team’ topic as part of Good work design.


Good work design – Effective communication

All managers communicate, but great managers communicate openly and effectively. This video outlines the ‘Effective communication’ topic as part of Good work design.


Good work design – Enhancing performance

Great managers enhance the performance of their teams. This video covers the ‘Enhancing performance’ topic as part of the ‘Good work design’ series.


Good work design – Providing flexible work

Great managers understand this and do what they can to provide flexible work for their teams. This video outlines the ‘Providing flexible work’ topic as part of Good work design.