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44 results found for “08 - The compassion myth”


10 articles found for "08 - The compassion myth"

Bitter Nothings

How the words we whisper to ourselves change everything

5 Min

Basic mind maintenance

Our brains are essential equipment, yet we don't always take great care of them. With these basic mind maintenance tips, you can keep yours working a whole lot better!

6 Min

5 super-simple strategies for when you are running on empty

Feeling fatigued? The best way to recover can be to get back to basics. Discover 5 super-simple strategies for when you are running on empty...

5 Min

Drop the double-standard. It is time to be far, far nicer to yourself.

Why do we often show more compassion for a friend than we do for ourselves?

Drop the double-standard. It's time to be far, far nicer to yourself.

5 Min

The one crucial thing they didn’t teach at business school

Kindness is the glue that holds organisations together. Unfortunately it's often completely overlooked and undervalued.

5 Min

Get in your box!

Everyone is trying to put you in a box. Discover 6 tips to help you break free.

5 Min


10 mindfulness found for “08 - The compassion myth”


Supportive grounding

This practise enables you to centre your mind and body, reconnecting to a sense of grounded, balanced awareness. During the practise you are guided to anchor into the nourishing and soothing qualities of the breath.


TLC timeout for pandemic stress

This mindful compassion practise supports you to bring a sense of care, warmth and kindness towards what your mind and body when processing the challenges of pandemic stress.


TLC timeout

This mindful compassion practise supports you to bring a sense of care, warmth and kindness towards what your mind and body when processing a challenging experience or situation.


A soothing pause

This mindful compassion practise supports you to reconnect with the present moment and foster a sense of warmth, kindness and care towards your body and mind.


A nourishing breath

This short mindfulness practise helps you to reconnect with the nourishing and supportive quality of your breath.


Grounded with an open heart

This compassion-focused meditation helps to develop a sense of grounded compassionate awareness that we can carry with us throughout the day.


4 events found for “08 - The compassion myth”

Mindful May 2023

Mindful May 2023

Deepen your practise with self-compassion with this 4-part series, hosted by senior psychologist & meditation teacher, Dr Sadhbh Joyce.

Science and practise of self-care

Science and practise of self-care

Too often left till last, self-care is crucial to how we feel and how we function. Understand the science and learn simple, practical strategies that can make a real difference.

Understanding burnout and fatigue

Been pushing too hard for too long? Take a much-needed break from busyness and join us for some expert insights on fatigue and burnout

Discover effective self-care strategies and practical steps you can take to restore balance and wellbeing.

The power of self-compassion

Protecting against empathic distress fatigue

Dr Sadhbh Joyce explores the science of what happens in our brains when we engage self-compassion; how self-compassion practises protect against stress and empathic distress; compassion vs empathy, and recognising and understanding Empathic Distress Fatigue.


10 books found for “08 - The compassion myth”

Susanne White

Self-Care for Caregivers

Take care of yourself as you care for others with this accessible, easy-to-follow self-care guide to relax and rejuvenate.

Pema Chödrön

Welcoming the unwelcome

From the bestselling author of When Things Fall Apart, an open-hearted call for human connection, compassion, and learning to love the world just as it is during these most challenging times.

Dr Kristin Neff

Fierce self-compassion

Dr Kristin Neff explores our notion of self-kindness & its capacity to transform our lives, showing women how to balance tender self-acceptance with fierce action to claim their power & change the world.

Dr Kristin Neff & Dr Christopher Germer

The mindful self-compassion workbook

Are you kinder to others than you are to yourself? This science-based workbook offers a step-by-step approach to breaking free of harsh self-judgments and impossible standards in order to cultivate emotional well-being.

Dr Tara Brach

Radical compassion

Through a blend of Western psychology & Eastern spiritual practices, world-renowned meditation teacher Dr Tara Brach reveals how to find healing & freedom through the sources of love, courage & wisdom alive within us all.

Dr Tara Brach

True refuge

How do you cope when facing life-threatening illness, family conflict, faltering relationships, old trauma, obsessive thinking, overwhelming emotion, or inevitable loss? A practical guide to finding our inner sanctuary in the midst of difficulty.


5 videos found for “08 - The compassion myth”


Introduction: The Compassion Myth

A brief introduction to ‘The Compassion Myth’, the eighth session of the Mindarma program by Senior Psychologist Dr Sadhbh Joyce.


How one act of kindness can change your life

Mark Kelly

Mark Kelly explains how after meeting 5,000 people within recruitment and his podcast guests he has discovered just how powerfully random acts of kindness can impact on happiness, productivity and positive transformations in society.



Sam Richardson

Do we need more of doing less? Is busyness robbing us of our humanity? Are you so busy that you’re actually kind of surprised you read this far? Sam Richardson explores our need to stay busy and how it affects our happiness by following the lives of two crazy-busy people in this short film.


This talk isn’t very good. Dancing with my inner critic

Steve Chapman

Steve Chapman shines a light on his inner critic – that whisper in his ear that constantly tells him he isn’t good enough and that he should never try anything new or risk making a fool of himself.


The power of vulnerability

Brené Brown

Dr Brené Brown details some very interesting research findings & describes the challenge of embracing her own vulnerabilities & imperfections. Discover why self-compassion is so important to resilience and how it can make you feel worthy of love, belonging & joy.


5 quotes found for “08 - The compassion myth”

We need to do a better job of putting ourselves higher on our own ‘to-do’ list.

- Michelle Obama

You’ve been criticising yourself for years and it hasn’t worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens.

- Louise Hay

When you plant a tree, if it doesn’t grow well, you don’t blame the tree. You look into the reasons it isn’t doing well. It may need fertilizer or more water or less sun. We never blame the tree.

- Thich Nhat Hanh

A moment of self-compassion can change your entire day. A string of such moments can change the course of your life.

- Dr Christopher Germer

I refuse to believe that you cannot be both compassionate and strong.

- Jacinta Ardern