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Watch and learn! Discover fresh insights with these thought-provoking videos.

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Good work design – Managing change at work

Workplace change is normal and brings benefits. But change can still leave workers feeling anxious and distressed. This video outlines the ‘Managing change’ topics as part of the ‘Good work design’ series.


Good work design – Managing absence

Everyone will be absent from work at some stage. How do great managers support their absent employees and still have the work delivered? This covers the ‘Managing absence’ topic as part of the ‘Good work design’ series.


Good work design – Supporting return to work

Returning to the workplace after being off work can be challenging and many workers need support. This video outlines the ‘’Supporting return to work’’ topic as part of Good work design.


Simon Rosenbaum: Exercise is a human right

While regular exercise has huge benefits for  mental health, those who stand to benefit the most from physical activity – refugees, trauma survivors and those with complex mental health issues, are often the least likely to have access. Simon Rosenbaum explains why exercise should be prescribed for the mental wellbeing of our most vulnerable


What is Financial Counselling?

Facing financial difficulty? You don’t have to deal with it on your own. Discover what financial counselling is and the many practical ways it can help.


Financial Abuse Support

Three women with lived experience of financial abuse discuss their personal experiences. They explain what happened in their situations before and during the abuse occurred. Participants in this video are speaking about the effects of financial abuse. If this video causes distress, you can contact 1800RESPECT on 1800 737 732 or via the web chat to speak to a counsellor, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.


How financial counselling helped Kristen get back on track

Hear Kristen’s personal account of how financial counselling helped her get her finances and mental health back in good shape.


What does the National Debt Helpline Do?

Discover how the National Debt Helpline can help ease the strain and get your finances back under control.


Fijian rugby team share a beautiful moment in song

It’s okay to cry, even at the footy! Watch the Fijian rugby team share a beautiful moment in song.