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10 minute mindful stretching for lower back (captioned)


Senior psychologist and yoga teacher Casey O’Brien guides us through a 10 minute sequence aimed at releasing tension and tightness in the lower back.


10 minute mindful stretching for lower back

Senior psychologist and yoga teacher Casey O’Brien guides us through a 10 minute sequence aimed at releasing tension and tightness in the lower back.


10 minute mindful stretching for neck & shoulders (captioned)


Senior psychologist and yoga teacher Casey O’Brien guides us through a 10 minute sequence aimed at releasing tension and tightness from the neck and shoulders. These stretches can been particular helpful for those working from desks as well those who are engaged in daily work caring for others.


10 minute mindful stretching for neck & shoulders

Senior psychologist and yoga teacher Casey O’Brien guides us through a 10 minute sequence aimed at releasing tension and tightness from the neck and shoulders. These stretches can been particular helpful for those working from desks as well those who are engaged in daily work caring for others.


Meditation and mindfully getting in the middle

Brad Heckman

With plenty of good humour, bad puns and hand-painted illustrations, New York Peace Institute CEO Brad Heckman explains how taking a mindful approach can prevent conflicts from turning ugly.


Morii: the desire to capture a fleeting experience

The dictionary of obscure sorrows

Can’t quite find a name for that emotion? You may want to check out the Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows.



Pâro: the feeling that everything you do is somehow wrong

The dictionary of obscure sorrows

Can’t quite find a name for that emotion? You may want to check out the Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows.



Vemödalen: the fear that everything has already been done

The dictionary of obscure sorrows

Can’t quite find a name for that emotion? You may want to check out the Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows.


Is the world getting better or worse? A look at the numbers

Steven Pinker

An optimistic outlook can help bolster resilience. In this life-affirming talk, psychologist Steven Pinker gives us many good reasons to look on the bright side.