Imagine there are two adjoining countries. One is called Stressland. The other is called Calmland. Where do you live?
How do you create harmony in an imperfect workplace? Discover 7 strategies that don't involve self-isolating in a cupboard.
Need to give your brain a break? Getting back to nature is a simply wonderful way to restore your mind.
This practise enables you to centre your mind and body, reconnecting to a sense of grounded, balanced awareness. During the practise you are guided to anchor into the nourishing and soothing qualities of the breath.
This short, simple mindfulness workout will enable you to centre your mind and body and connect with the present moment.
Mindful breathing is a simple method for re-connecting with the present moment. This practise only takes a few minutes and can be used at any time, particularly if you are feeling stressed or overwhelmed.
Discover the latest bright ideas to support your body clock, enhance sleep and naturally nurture your mind.
Enjoy a daily dose of mindfulness with five guided 15-minute sessions
Dean Bayliss, a proud Gomeroi man and CEO of Healing Works Australia, talks about suicide prevention among First Nation’s People.
We speak with former police officer James Maskey, who works at Fortem Australia, a not-for-profit wellbeing support organisation for first responders and their families.
We speak with Dr Peter Baldwin about the impact of burnout and what can be done by organisations to prevent it.
Ask yourself, “Who can I make smile this morning?” This is the art of creating happiness.
- Thich Nhat HanhGive wine. Give bread. Give back your heart to itself, to the stranger who has loved you all your life, whom you ignored for another, who knows you by heart.
- Derek WalcottBefore we can bounce back, we may first need someone to pick us up off the floor and put us back on the trampoline.
- MindarmaOur goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success.
- Pablo PicassoIf people are laughing, they are learning. True learning is a joy because it is an act of creation.
- Tyson Yunkaporta, Sand Talk: How Indigenous Thinking Can Save the WorldYou should sit in meditation for twenty minutes everyday – unless you’re too busy; then you should sit for an hour.
- Sukhraj S. DhillonThis is your lifestyle, you can be what you wanna be, you can do what you wanna do, feel that cool breeze on your face again, feel the rain on your hair, running back to
- King StingrayIt does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.
- J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s StoneSo I get my mental straight, write my problems til the pencil breaks, therapeutic, if it puts me in a better place I gotta do it, instead of losing myself I found music.
- Baker BoyGuilt is like any other energy: you can’t accumulate it or keep it because it makes you sick and disrupts the system you live in – you have to let it go. Face the truth,
- Tyson Yunkaporta, Sand Talk: How Indigenous Thinking Can Save the WorldThe most powerful tech companies in the world are not neutral platforms. They are shaping our thoughts, behaviours and relationships.
- Tristan HarrisNot all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.
- Mother TheresaMay I be peaceful, may I be safe, may I know that I am enough just as I am.
- Mindarma metta meditationIt’s amazing what you accomplish, if you do not care who gets the credit.
- Harry S TrumanYorta Yorta man Tom Forrest aka Outback Tom yarns with First Nations folks about how allies can actively participate in reconciliation and be there for mob.
This is the story of Linda Burney, a woman who has overcome extraordinary adversity to become a great leader in the Australian community, described by the author as ‘the most remarkable woman I’ve ever met’.
With over 50 daily practices you can use anytime, anywhere, Just One Thing is a groundbreaking combination of mindfulness meditation & neuroscience that can help you deepen your sense of well-being & unconditional happiness.
This is the story of Linda Burney, a woman who has overcome extraordinary adversity to become a great leader in the Australian community, described by the author as ‘the most remarkable woman I’ve ever met’.
Science journalist Catherine Price proposes a new definition of fun and shares easy, evidence-backed ways to weave playfulness, flow and connection into your everyday life.
Yorta Yorta man Tom Forrest aka Outback Tom yarns with First Nations folks about how allies can actively participate in reconciliation and be there for mob.
If you are looking to take action and create a mentally healthier workplace, this report provides an excellent starting point. Discover six key areas and strategies which are important in protecting and supporting mental health.
FULL CATASTROPHE LIVING is a manual for developing your own personal meditation practice and learning how to use mindfulness to promote improved health and healing in your own life. It is based on Jon Kabat-Zinn’s
Science continues to reveal how the flow of thoughts actually sculpts the brain, and more and more, we are learning that it’s possible to strengthen positive brain states. By combining breakthroughs in neuroscience with insights
Take a mindful pause as you drink your tea slowly and reverently.
Write a list of 5 things you are grateful for, and then add some colour.