Brain food

This is your lifestyle, you can be what you wanna be, you can do what you wanna do, feel that cool breeze on your face again, feel the rain on your hair, running back to

- King Stingray

No matter what gets done and how much is left undone, I am enough.

- Dr Brené Brown

There is something wonderfully bold and liberating about saying yes to our entire imperfect and messy life.

- Tara Brach 

Self-compassion – taking care of ourselves just as we’d treat someone we love dearly.

- Dr Christopher Germer

A mind is like a parachute. It doesn’t work if it isn’t open.

- Frank Zappa

While many silently suffer inside a suit of shining armour, the truly courageous take off their armour and allow themselves to be vulnerable.

- Mindarma

Go gently. There is only one you in this whole infinity of time and space. You deserve to honour your body, mind and soul as you would a piece of fine art… with respect, wonder

- Dr Sadhbh Joyce

If you can concentrate always on the present, you’ll be a happy man. Life is the moment we are living now.

- Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

Beware the barrenness of a busy life.

- Socrates

Rarely, if ever, are any of us healed in isolation. Healing is an act of communion.

- Bell Hooks

I think everybody should get rich and famous and do everything they ever dreamed of so they can see that it’s not the answer.

- Jim Carrey

Before we can bounce back, we may first need someone to pick us up off the floor and put us back on the trampoline.

- Mindarma

Patience is also a form of action.

- Auguste Rodin

Self-care is not self-indulgence, it’s self-preservation.

- Audre Lorde

I took a deep breath and listened to the old brag of my heart; I am, I am, I am.

- Sylvia Plath

I refuse to believe that you cannot be both compassionate and strong.

- Jacinta Ardern

So I take this word reconciliation and I use it to reconcile people back to Mother Earth, so they can walk this land together and heal one another because she’s the one that gives birth

- Max Dulumunmun Harrison

Let’s start by taking a smallish nap or two.

- Winnie the Pooh

The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who can not read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn.

- Alvin Toffler

Give wine. Give bread. Give back your heart to itself, to the stranger who has loved you all your life, whom you ignored for another, who knows you by heart.

- Derek Walcott